Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Classical Music and Jazz Music Essay

Music has always been an important element for the humanity. Exist many different kinds of music. For purpose of this paper I’m going to compare classical music with jazz music. This two types of music belong to the category of complex art music. A comparison of classical and jazz music yield some similarities and different and could also lead to an appreciation of this two important category of music. The music called classical, was found in stores and performed regularly by symphonies around the world, in the time of 1600 up to the present. Unlike jazz was found in the early 1900 as some dance band leaders in the southern U.S. began playing this type of music that combined ragtime and blues. Most of the major composer of the classical music until the 20th century were Europeans and the jazz was exposed first by two musicians. Both type of music were know on different parts of Europe. In classical music, both large orchestras and small ensemble are used. The largest part of the orchestra consist of the string section consisting of violins, violas, cellos, string basses and wind instruments. On the other hand jazz music can be played by small group of people. In jazz they use different instruments like clarinet, tuba, cornet, baritone, drums and piano. Similarly to classical music, jazz used some wind instruments. In addition we have a different of audience of this two kind of music. The jazz music attracts an really cultural and hip audience. This is because jazz concerts usually are in opens spaces around the world and in night clubs and you don’t need to pay a ticket to go and appreciate the music. Unlike classical music attracts more elite and rich people. This is because the concerts of classical music are on different amphitheaters and closed spaces and you need to pay for a expensive ticket. To conclude, we can say that this to types of music have their unique style, but both of them represents two approaches to Art Music. This two types of music are important and carry a great and special history. Also this to type of music, allow people to relax while hearing this music. If I need to pick between this two types of music, I prefer the jazz music because is more accessibly for us and it’s transmit more emotions.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Early Childhood Educator Essay

The inspiration for the Reggio Emilia approach came from Reggio Emilia, Italy. In Italy, all the preschools are centered on this approach. It is a city run program for children from birth to the age of six (Cyert Center, 2004). The philosophy is that, â€Å"children’s interactions and relationships with other children and adults are a vital component of their learning† (Schiller, 1995). Reggio Emilia schools in the United States, Italy, and other countries around the world differ greatly from standard preschools here in the United States. Some of the key differences and components of the Reggio Emilia program is its role in the community, attention to the environment, and its emergent curriculum which functions as a part of the teachers and the children. Role of the Community The community is a big part of the Reggio Emilia schools. There are regularly scheduled meetings for parents to take part in. These meetings are scheduled in the evening so that working parents are able to attend. The parents and teachers discuss issues regarding school policies, child development concerns, and curriculum planning and evaluations (Wikipedia, 2007). The parents are involved in the whole process of the education of their children. Teachers send home journals of children’s thoughts and ideas expressed in class. This kind of cooperation among teachers and parents make learning on the children’s part much easier and complete. Attention to the Environment According to Lilian G. Katz, â€Å"The physical environment of a preschool center is considered a ‘teacher’ in and of itself! † (Katz, 1990). This holds true in a Reggio Emilia school. The environment is considered the â€Å"third† teacher to the students attending this kind of program. The building itself and classrooms are filled with indoor plants, vines, and lots of natural light. Natural light enters the classrooms through wall-sized windows letting the children connect with the outside world. All of the classrooms have a door to the outside and open to a center piazza. Each classroom flows well with each other and the surrounding community. The lunch rooms, courtyards and bathrooms are designed in a way to encourage community among all the students (Wikipedia, 2007). Incorporated into each school is a common space available to all children in the school that includes dramatic play and work tables (Cyert Center, 2004). Each classroom is connected with a phone, passageway or a window. The classrooms are equipped with art centers called atelier (Gandini, 1993). In the atelier are easels, watercolors, crayons, markers, paper, and any art materials children need to be creative. Another part of the classroom has books about artists and a place where children can read comfortably (Schiller, 1995). Displayed around the classroom, among all the photographs of the children and carefully placed mirrors in the school, are works completed by the children with transcriptions of their discussions about the work. The physical environment of a preschool center is considered a ‘teacher’ in and of itself! † (Katz, 1990). Emergent Curriculum There is no time schedule where at some part of the day the students are learning about science, then language arts, and then math. The kind of schedule the students follow is that there is a group meeting when the students arrive in the morning. Then there is a work period, play period, lunch time, play time, nap time, and then another work period or play period (Hertzog, 2001). For their work period, there is no set curriculum that the teachers must follow. The curriculum is an emergent curriculum which is child centered. Emergent means that is builds upon the interests of the child. The teachers have broad goals but can follow the lead and interests of the children (Schiller, 1995). During the work periods, a teacher will work with one small group on their project while the other students are engaged in self selected activities. The projects are teacher directed and child initiated and begins with the teacher observing the children and asking the children questions on a topic that interests the child. The students then do in depth studies of the content that interests the children of that group (Wikipedia, 2007). The project moves in unanticipated directions. To avoid confusion the teachers help children make decisions about direction of study, how to research the topic, and how to represent the topic (Cyert Center, 2004). The projects can range in length from one week to the whole school year. When the students are content to be complete with their project they depict their knowledge through drawing, sculpting, dramatic play, or writing. At every school, there is a visual art specialist, an atelierista, who works closely with the other teachers and children (Gandini, 1993). The atelierista guides the children into appropriate media choices to complete their ideas and projects. Because art is such an integral part of all activities, the students’ old works, finished and unfinished, are available to them to finish or add on. While they work on their art projects, the teachers talk to the children and write down any thoughts or ideas the students have. They display the students’ discussions with their art work around the classroom and school (Schiller, 1995). In order for this curriculum to work, the teachers must also learn with the students. The teachers take turns with the following roles: observing, note taking, and recording observations between children. After all observations are recorded, they are shared with other teachers and parents in the planning of the students’ projects. It is crucial that teachers become skillful observers of the children. Their observations guide the curriculum planning and implementation (Wikipedia, 2007). Conclusion The Reggio Emilia approach to learning is a constructivist approach where the students learn at their own pace and guide the curriculum. It is all about the children. The children’s interests lead them into a project that is researched in depth at a level that they can understand. The children’s thoughts and ideas are implemented into the curriculum and planning and are shared with the community. Reggio Emilia works because the children are learning what they want to learn with the help of their parents, teachers, and the community.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Does the End Justify the Means? Essay

The ‘end justify the means’ is a philosophical maxim popularized by Niccolo Machiavelli during the renaissance era. This maxim is supposed to justify the actions of a leader or what Machiavelli calls ‘the Prince’, to do whatever is in his power in so far as the ‘end/s’ justifies the ‘means’ of attaining it. Machiavelli highlighted that the ‘end’ that a ‘Prince’ or a leader should focus on is the maintenance of his regime, authority or power. This theory is often mistaken as a standard principle usually by a few who rules a group of people, a community or a nation. They always believe that what they are doing redounds to the benefit of the majority. This few will not accept that what they have done is evil even if it produced good results for many people. History will tell us that many events in the past have gained favorable comments from some individuals but different from the point of view of the majority. Take the case of Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombing by the American forces during the war to weaken the morale of the invading Japanese forces in the Far East, which resulted to a lifetime tragic memory for thousands of Japanese victims (Walzer, 2004). If we are part of that era, perhaps we would simply say that it was the only way to stop the Japanese aggressors. For the Japanese and its allies, it was an evil act for the Americans to involve innocent Japanese civilians in the war. Leaping forward to the present era where people have become broad-minded and peace-oriented, many Americans have condemned the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and a number of big organizations have initiated moves to restore America’s image to the world especially to the Japanese people. But there are also sectors including the military who believe that the war would not have ended if the bombing was not done. Does the end justify the means in this case? Certainly not; according to Christine Smith in her article entitled, The End does not justify the Means, committing any acts of evil, regardless of any given circumstances, is always considered wrong. This writer may be right in saying this except that she fails to manifest the exact definition of evil in her statement. When the national interest is at risk to preserve democracy, the military is given a free-hand by the government to thwart rebellion. After a series of democratic process with maximum tolerance and the rebels adhere to their hard-line principle of a â€Å"coup d‘etat,† the military has the ultimate option to use arms. On the side of the relatives and advocates of the aggressive movement this could be evil, but on the side of the government and those against undemocratic process of government take-over, this could be reasonable. Let’s analyze another case, the downing of Korean Airlines Flight 007 in Russia way back 1983 which carried 269 passengers including the crew where most of the victims were Americans and Koreans. It was argued by Russia that the plane violated its airspace, with a hint that it was a spy plane, which led to its ultimate decision to shoot it down, while the U. S. quickly denounced the brutal act of Russia, justifying the cause of air space violation as an aeronautical miscalculation of the pilot. As far as the Russians are concerned, the end justified the means, but on the side of the Americans and Koreans, that was an act of terrorism. In this particular case, the element of ideology has to be refuted. While the brutal act was considered by the Russians as a way to suppress any threat to their ideology, they did it in any way possible even if the world would condemn it as an evil act. Russians believed that the tragic end has justified the means involving the interest of the Soviet Union. Given that it was an aeronautical error to violate airspace, Russia should have instructed the pilot of the ill-fated airplane to follow an emergency landing for investigation concerning the alleged espionage instead of downing it, considering that it was a passenger aircraft and not a military one. Even assuming that it was a language barrier between pilots that could have been the cause of the immediate military response, still it can never be justified. On the part of the victims’ relatives, the incident was intentionally done and Russians must be stiffly penalized. For a few who ruled the military, it was part of an exercise. For communist allies, it was the right thing to do, but for the rest of the world, it would be remembered as a massacre in the sky. Same is true for any kind of religion which has a great concern for human life; the act was inspired by the devil. In cases of tortures, human rights abuses, military actions and capital punishments, the end may not justify the means. Even if the ultimate result is good for the majority or even to a nation, if the means was done in a vicious way, then, that could never be justified. But for soldiers who are engaged in war, it is entirely a different philosophy. A soldier has to follow orders from his superiors to protect the sovereignty of a nation, that’s his duty. When he goes to the jungle in search for the enemies, he carries with him a mandate from his superiors. But when he is out there to engage in combat, a different scenario occurs. He becomes primarily concerned about his own life and to return to his family alive, the mandate becomes secondary. Very few want to be a hero and much lesser to be friendly with the enemies. A soldier is a military machine, that’s how he was honed and oriented; he has to kill the enemy before the enemy kills him. He has to execute a rapid action if his life is endangered. That’s the game of war, that’s the game of chance if he wants to survive. But if a soldier is engaged in killing innocent people just because he could not identify the enemy exactly, then, his action does not justify his motive. If he tortures an enemy or a group of people in search for truth, it can be held unjust. If he is trigger-happy and involved in mass execution because he fails to identify the enemies exactly, he must be condemned and be subject to a court-martial. There can never be an excuse for killing people at an instant without concrete evidence backed up by reliable logistics, and in so doing, his conscience must be directly involved. But how do we gauge and monitor his professionalism in the battlefield? A soldier is dispatched with a troop and a leader who keeps track of all his moves. There is a saying that â€Å"foul odor will always come out in the open,† especially when the victim’s relatives submit a complaint with corresponding evidence. Let’s take a look at Teresa M. Hudock’s article entitled, ‘The End Does Not Justify The Means’. She said that the best example of a credible perfectionist is one who does not use military force and violence in any given circumstances, even in self-defense, and he must be an advocate of human rights. This might be an ideal scenario. War or no war, when life is at stake magnanimity will be a subject for legal arguments especially when self-defense is in question. No person will allow others to take his life without doing anything except for born-heroes. Therefore, justifying the end by the course of action taken depends on how people look at it and it varies on the standpoint of different sectors of the society. In essence, the end does not always justify the means. Nonetheless, there are extreme instances or ‘supreme emergencies’ wherein the ends bring about the greater good which justifies the means of attaining it. References: Hudock, T. M. The End does not Jusifies the Means. Retrieved on January 26, 2009, from http://www. usc. edu/dept/LAS/ir/calis/pdfs/171w. PDF Machiavelli, N. (1515). The Prince. http://www. constitution. org/mac/prince00. htm Smith, C. (2008). The End does not Justify the Means. Retrieved on January 25, 2009, from http://www. nolanchart. Com/ article4573. html Walzer, M. (2004). Emergency Ethics. New Haven and London. Yale University Press. P. 33-55

Siting a Theatre based on the Findings Research Paper

Siting a Theatre based on the Findings - Research Paper Example In specific, three communities provided the basis upon which the information was gathered. Target groups within these communities were families as a basic unit of a society. This unit was considered based on the socio-cultural trends the three communities seemed to have in common. Research Methodology The research process involved data collection, techniques using various tools which included, the use of interviews, the use of questionnaires, visiting sites during the data collection process. These techniques were blinded by the use of both the structured as well as non-structures sub-categories, giving validity to the information collection process. The use of Questionnaires The questionnaire was a method that was administered to respondents in a user-specific form. It slotted for the three communities in question and was used to collect numerical data. This method was fundamental in the sense that it addressed the issue of time and precision. Because the information needed was not to be treated as crucially confidential, the questionnaire provided the platform where respondents could confidently give their honest opinion about the intended data. This also helped to focus this process on objectivity. The Use of Interviews During the data collection phase, there was also involved in the process, one on one encounter with the respondents. This form of data retrieval was to ascertain the validity of the content of questionnaires. In other words, the two processes in data collection were intended to run concurrently. As this information was sociologically retrieved, there was a need to justify the validity and precision standards of the information collected. Visits to Sites The various communities involved; communities A, B, and C, were those in the immediate vicinities of study sites, as to the appropriate location for the establishment of the theatre. In this regard, the communities depicted a representative target population for the fundamental information nee ded.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Cotton-topped tamarin Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Cotton-topped tamarin - Research Paper Example Its face is black and nearly devoid of hair except for brief white brows and short hair on its cheeks. It has the characteristic brown eyes that are found in all tamarins. Its body is a mixture of colors, with the back and shoulders being grayish brown, the rump being rusty brown, the torso being white and the long tail being rusty brown at the base before proceeding to become dark brown or blackish further down. Measuring from nose to rump, the usual length of a cotton-top tamarin is 9 inches [23 cm]. The average length of its tail is 14.5 inches [37 cm]. The weight of an adult differs between males and females with the former being 14.5 ounces [410 gm] and the latter being 15.2 ounces [430 gm] ( Cotton-top tamarins are mainly found in the forests of northwest Colombia in an area between the Magdalena River and the Cauca River. Others are found in several reserves and parks in Colombia, especially the sprawling Paramillo National Park which covers an area of 540 square km (Lang). The average longevity period of a cotton-top tamarin is 13.5 years (Lang). The female [who can be impregnated at the age of 10 months] gives birth to twins after 6 months’ gestation ( The male helps the female at birth by washing the babies. He also carries the babies, only handing them over to the female at feeding time ( The young ones are fed until they are 8 to 10 weeks old. The female young ones grow up to mature faster than the males [18 months as compared to 24 months] ( Cotton-top tamarins have a typical movement style involving quadrepedal clinging/walking/running along small or medium branches, or bounding up to distances of 3 meters to branches of nearby trees ( Their modes of movement are aided by their unique claw-like nails [known as tegulae] that resemble those of squirrels (Lang). The diet of cotton-top tamarins

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Advancement of Policies for Gender Equality Essay

Advancement of Policies for Gender Equality - Essay Example These are for example forums such as the famous Beijing meeting, which surprisingly took the world by surprise and which saw the creation of awareness through the setting of several policies and objectives through their mission statement. Such objectives included and not limited to empowerment of women, principle that terms women’s and female children’s rights as inalienable, etc. in general, advancement of policies for gender equality entails taking actions to promote equitable distribution of resources and wealth across both genders such that there is growth and development in the economy (Lorber, 2005). The goals of these policies enhance several goals, which can be classified basically into three categories. These include focus areas such as; capabilities, resources, opportunities and services as well as human security. Under capabilities, education for both genders especially women is advocated for so as to ensure that they attain the necessary qualifications to en able them compete effectively with their men counterparts in all fields. This is necessitated by the fact that most of the societies used to view women as property such that instead of advocating for them to go to school, they were made to get married at a fairly tender age. Under resources and opportunities, women are given a fair chance to participate in decision making thereby enabling them to acquire leadership skills. This means that they can no longer be viewed as inferior to men in this context but as equal partners in development activities.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Are robots to blame for job polarization Research Paper

Are robots to blame for job polarization - Research Paper Example This fact has become a common concern. It was revealed that such a change is caused by a number of factors, among which there are: globalization, active and open trade, change in legislation and, the first and the outmost – the development of technology. â€Å"Such a decline had implications for the distribution of incomes. Labor income is more evenly distributed across U.S. households than capital income, while a disproportionately large share of capital income accrues to the top income households. As the share that is more evenly distributed declined and the share that is more concentrated at the top rose, total income became less evenly distributed and more concentrated at the top. As a result, total income inequality rose† (Jacobson and Occhino, 2012). That machines are able to replace living personnel, is a well-known fact. Many scientists state that rapid technological progress destroys workplaces much quicker, than creates new jobs. This causes the growth of ineq uality in the United States. Such situation occurs in other developed states as well. This is disturbing news as it undermines the belief in technological progress. Technologies are still considered to be a tool that increases the productivity and makes the society richer, but it has a dark side at the same time: technical progress destroys the need for many types of labor and put the average worker in the worst conditions than before. Innovations have never come so quickly, the median income is falling, and there are fewer workplaces. People cannot keep up with technologies, which are being improved so quickly that employees’ skills and organizational structures can’t keep up with the pace. The examples of how digital technologies threaten workplaces can be found everywhere. Automates have been applied in different production areas already for many years. Today in the United States and China fewer people than in 1997 are engaged in production due to automation. Automo bile plants

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Public transportation vs driving a car Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Public transportation vs driving a car - Essay Example car owner pay a lot of money for such things as fuel, car taxes, vehicle inspection, insurance, washes, maintenance, fines, repairs, and parking (Automobile Association). Two out of ten unintentional injury deaths take place while transportation. The risk of passenger’s death varies greatly depending on the means a person chooses to travel. In this regard, public transport is safer. For example, during 2006-2008, more than 14,000 of car passengers died in car accidents while the number of deaths of passengers who took buses is about fifty (National Safety Council). Finally, public transport does less harm to the environment than private transport. Overall, transportation in the United States accounts for about 28% of greenhouse gases emissions. Of this, buses, trains, and ships emit only 7% while 34% is generated by private cars (Pubtrantravel). Automobile Association. "Car Running Costs."Â  The AA. Automobile Association Development Ltd, 7 Jul 2014. Web. 21 Oct 2014. .

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Final Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 20

Final - Essay Example Some of the refugees moved to Russia while others moved to settle in India. At the same time, about 2-3 million people returned home after the Soviets left. After the Soviets left, a civil war erupted which displaced over 5 million people to neighboring nations (Runion, p. 115). The Taliban fighters seized control of the country in 1994 and started to persecute non-Islamic religions and limited women rights. This led to the educated, women, religious minorities, and critics of the Taliban to flee the country. This refugees migrated to western nations like the United States and Canada where the Taliban had no influence (Runion, p. 121). The results of stream effectiveness for the refugees depicts the fact people were fleeing Afghanistan and into other countries. The 100 percent stream effectiveness points to the fact that no refugees were moving into Afghanistan. The gross migration and the net migration of the country was the same. The high out migration rate of 89.8181 shows that the rate at which the Afghans fled their country was so high. The fear of death and looking for a means of survival was the main driving force in this migration rate. The main ethnic group in Afghanistan, the Pushtuns, moved from the South eastern provinces of the country. They moved through the Durand line into the North West Frontier Province in Pakistan as they had distant relatives. As their number increased, they were relocated by the Pakistan government away from the border areas. The Baluch and Hazara ethnic group refugees moved from Afghanistan into the capital of Baluchistan of Pakistan. Another group of Hazara refugees settled in Quetta part of Pakistan where they had relatives (Cultural Survival). The Uzbek refugees from northern Afghanistan were settled in Karachi, the Sind Province of Pakistan. Around 18,500 Uzbek refugees live in 320 villages. The Kirghiz refugees

FIRST literacy experience Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

FIRST literacy experience - Essay Example The semester has been taken as the most tenable timeframe for observing a literacy experience since it is the most minimal testable and evaluable unit of time. At first, my literacy experience in college was premised upon paying critical attention, as a way of getting meaning out of the scholarly texts I engaged with and lectures and discussions I attended. I had rightly surmised that this was the best way of comprehending the concepts that had been taught and those that had been scheduled for the semester’s outline. As a matter of fact, understanding these course concepts were of great importance since that was the essence of education and a sure way of excelling in college exams. In a closely related wavelength, I would get out of my way to engage past end-of-semester exams to have a gist of the manner in which exams were set. This learning strategy saw me through most of the assignments and continuous assessment exams. However, with the accentuation of time within the first semester, I came to the realization that I was not engaging the best approach and attitude to my scholarly journey in college. This is especially after I had an encounter with critical and creative thinking. I realized that like many, I had mistakenly relegated critical and creative thinking and its facets to humanities and cognitive sciences. Because of my encounter with critical thinking I came to realize that learning is a complex whole which comprises critical attention, critical thinking and active participation, commonly known as the reader-response criticism. It is from this point that I came to realize the importance of translating texts into conceptual terms of cultural, metaphysical and psychological realities, over the traditional interpretative approach. In respect to the foregoing, I embraced and began to adopt the psychoanalytic approach as a way of carrying out intellectual and academic engagements. In the psychoanalytic approach, all literary experiences are defined , qualified and appraised in relation to psychological processes such as projection, introjections, defense mechanisms and identification. Nevertheless, I realized that the method described herein requires more and wider reading exercises so as to have a strong grasp on the concept being taught. It is from this point that of great understanding that I as any other individual following this path was able to: unconsciously develop a love for the discipline I was dabbling in; form impromptu questions in my mind, note them down for further investigation and consultation with my lecturers; challenge some of the theories, schools of thought or standpoints that had been passed on in lecture halls as plausible explanations to a phenomenon [it is in wide reading and understanding that limitations and strengths in some of the schools of thoughts can be noted]; appreciate discussion forums; and strongly appreciate the importance of maintaining a reading and inquisitive culture, in lieu of read ing for exams. The crux of the observation above is emphasized by Hellenga’s observation to the effect that while the traditional method allows people [like myself at first instance] to comprehend and internalize the concepts being newly introduced, the psychoanalytic approach enabled to internalize, synthesize and even proceed to challenge or recommend these newly taught concepts. In this regard, I came to learn that proper education or

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Economi politic Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Economi politic - Term Paper Example In short political economy is a methodology that deals with emphasis public choice or economic approach, and institutional adaptation. The concept of political economy can be attributed a lot from Marxism. However, the concept of political economy was replaced by economics after Alfred Marshall released his book in 1980, (Weingast and Wittman, 2008). Political economy is divided into various approaches, which include political choice and Marxian analysis which emanated from the Virginia School and the Chicago school, (Weingast and Wittman, 2008). However, as time went by various approaches to political economy. They include International political economy and new political economy. Political economy is associated with various disciplines. It is associated with communication, sociology, psychology, cultural studies, human geography, anthropology, ecology, and ecology, (Weingast and Wittman, 2008). It is important to understand political economy, and how it influences communication spe cifically mass media. This will help in understanding how mass media has evolved in regard to theories in political economy. This can be achieved by dissecting political economy of mass media. 2. Describe What The Political Economy Of Mass Media Political economy of mass media can be defined as an approach to political economy that focuses branches of media production and the industries of communication within capitalism, and consumption and production of communications and media in regard to flow of information. Political economy of mass media is normally used to measure the effect of mass media on politics. For example, during an election a presidential candidate who is favored by a majority of media houses or is favored by the most popular media houses tends to win the election in question. This is because these media houses tend to give more coverage to him or her hence reaching more people than his or her candidate(s). Hence, governments try to control mass media to make sure t hey are not biased when it comes to politics. This creates a need for setting of rules that are based on the principles of political economy. Political economy of mass media is to some extent important because it ensures that mass media is controlled. This means that media houses do not broadcast anything as they feel like but must follow a certain protocol set by the government (Weingast and Wittman, 2008). This does not necessarily mean that governments should gag media houses. For example, media houses have a wide viewership. If they were to report on false accusation, that would later bring about national insecurity then this would result in serious consequences such the economy falling. Hence, the role of the government in controlling mass media through political economy. 3. Describe Mosco Opinion On The Political Economy Of Mass Media Various academics argued that mass media should be approached in more a economical way than culturally. One of these academics is Vincent Mosco. However, Vincent Mosco is considered to be moderate in his approach to political economy of mass media. This is because he advocates for the three communication processes instead of totalisation. These three processes are spatialization, commoditization, and structuration (Mosco, 2009). He refers to these three processes as entry points in communication. He defines spatialization as the process of going beyond the constraints of time and space in social life. He also defines

Monday, July 22, 2019

Audio Surveillance Essay Example for Free

Audio Surveillance Essay Audio Surveillance is implemented with the use of a tape recorder. This method is only effective when one is sure of the origin of the attack and may be used to gather information about a particular activity taking place or how it took place. Telephone conversations may also be recorded to provide security. Models that may be used could include High Tech voice recorders, Tube mike, radio mikes and so on. The modern ESS (Electronic Switching System) is also available to tap into people’s phone lines without having to visit the location physically. Phone Tapping and Encryption Phone tapping is normally used for the protection of national security and prevention of serious crimes. When a phone is tapped, it is possible to listen to conversations from both sides of the telephone. Voice and Word Pattern Recognition In this method of surveillance, an organization uses a central computer to monitor conversations that contain voice patterns and key words that an agency is interested in. This technology involves digital sampling of speech, acoustic signal processing and special analysis. Transmitter Location Transmitter location is used anytime a telephone or mobile phone is involved in an investigation and is used to detect the location of the user. This can be achieved by triangulation and some other innovative methods. E-mail at Workplace Personal messages sent via an organization’s e-mails are not private. Reading employee’s emails may help to alert organizations about possible terrorist activities or sabotage that may be going on within the organization. Electronic Databases Databases containing information about residents within a particular area, biometrics. directories, voter registration records and many other databases present within an organization can help to provide relevant information on terrorism. The Internet Many organizations, individuals and so on, have access to the internet and are able to share information via this global network. Websites that offer social networking features should be continuously checked for possible terrorist correspondence. Challenges of Surveillance Technology Privacy is one of the major issues being faced by operators of businesses and organizations across the world. Surveillance Technologies pose a threat to them because people are unsure of how far vendors are willing to go to sell their products without risking confidential data. This constitutes a threat to commercial businesses (Bogonikolos). Privacy is a big issue and a significant constraint in the deployment of surveillance systems because most people see it as a right that they possess. Privacy has a lot of dimensions and some of the dimensions include: Privacy of the person, personal behaviour, personal communications, data and so on (Bogonikolos). The future of Surveillance Technology In recent times, almost all information is exchanged through electronic means, i. e. via telephone, email and so for this reason, wiretapping capabilities are being incorporated into surveillance systems (Bogonikolos). A continuous education strategy may help to achieve an online data and privacy protection strategy. Global e-commerce has changed the way trade is being conducted all over the world. This had led to the increased complexity of Surveillance Technologies. Enhanced wiretapping capabilities are being incorporated into surveillance technologies and so electronic commerce is getting more and more attention. New technologies for analyzing large amounts of data such as credit card information, online transactions can also help to identify unusual purchasing patterns and relationships (Bogonikolos). Conclusion To operate successfully online and protect countries from attack, we need to assure people that their data is safe and protected from misuse such as unauthorized access, alteration, total loss, and misappropriation (Bogonikolos). After all has been said and done, it can be argued that technology has both negative and positive sides to it. When used for the benefit of society, technology can be seen as a positive contribution to society but when it is used by miscreants to cause havoc to innocent people and unsuspecting organizations, it becomes a disadvantage. The fact remains that it is difficult, if not impossible to stop the misuse of technology but one thing that can help us all is to continually keep ahead of the terrorists by conducting research on state-of the art technologies and inventing new media and surveillance technologies that can help to combat the evils of terrorism. Works Cited Bogonikolos, Nikos. Development of Surveillance Technology and Risk of Abuse of Economic Information. Interim Study. 1999.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Role Of Branding In Marketing Fmcg Products Uk Marketing Essay

Role Of Branding In Marketing Fmcg Products Uk Marketing Essay Marketing strategy is the means of concentrating organizations resources so that it can lead to increased sales and supremacy on a targeted market. The organizations marketing goals has to be identified and methods developed to achieve the target within a time frame. Building brand identity and development is one of the fundamental strategies in marketing. The American Marketing Association (AMA) defines a brand as a name, term, sign, symbol or design, or a combination of them intended to identify the goods and services of one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate them from those of other sellers. Building a brand identity in a highly competitive global market is to be done by a combined plan involving research, advertising and marketing. Thus branding is not only prompting the target market to prefer your product over others in the market, but also creating the impression that your product is the best choice for solving the problems of the targeted audience. Good branding strategies involves To succeed in branding it is necessary to have a clear understanding of the requirements of the targeted clients. Incorporating effective brand strategies so as to influence the hearts of customers is essential. Due to the highly competitive market a strong brand name is important. It is necessary to spend time investing in researching, defining, and building brand name. Branding and advertisements of FMCGs are targeted at a wider audience and is subjected to a high level of competition. In order to stay competitive it is of great importance for FMCG manufacturers to effectively build up their brand name so as to ensure that customers are aware of their product. FMCG manufacturers have to be aware of the latest techniques and strategies involved in building brands and in adding value to the brand. Data collection is the most vital stage in the research process and it is proposed to be undertaken using case studies and survey. It is proposed to do an initial market survey and identify the key players in a few of the major segments of the FMCG sector. Survey will be conducted in the form of analysis of market reports and industry reports. A case study of the branding strategies adopted by the key organizations will be studied. Brand awareness strategies being followed will be examined. Customer perception of the role of branding will be examined on the basis of a brand awareness survey among the target market. Accurate sampling procedures are an important prerequisite of research data collection. An appropriate sampling procedure as random sample, stratified sample, or cluster sample will be adopted based on the target population and parameters being considered. Quantitative and qualitative survey will be performed in the form of interviews and questionnaires. Review of literature: The extensive variety of consumable goods provided by the FMCG industry provides a large turnover for the country, at the same time competition among FMCG companies is also escalating. Some of the leading FMCG companies are Sara Lee, Nestlà ©, Unilever, Procter Gamble, Coca-Cola, Carlsberg, Kleenex, General Mills, etc. Sales in the FMCG industry in grocery retail sector in UK are estimated to be  £14.5 billion in 2000 whereas the market for non-food FMCG market in UK is estimated to be  £110 billion and is increasing at a rapid pace. The FMCG sector is reported to account for 19% of the UKs GDP. Marketing strategy consists of well executed plans to make marketing effective. A marketing strategy often integrates an organizations marketing goals, policies, and plans together (Mc Donalds, M, 2007). Marketing theory involves identifying Target Audience, Planning, and Implementation. Marketing research provides management with correct, dependable and up to date information. Marketing research is essential in view of Competitive marketing and the spiralling ever-increasing costs. The strategy for marketing research is elucidated by McDaniel (2006). Management make decisions about target market selection, market segmentation, planning and implementing marketing programs. Further problems may crop up due to controllable and uncontrollable variables. Pricing is a controllable variable while uncontrollable variables include environmental variable, economic conditions, political instability, competition, and social and cultural changes. The twin concepts of Brand identity and positioning play an important role in managing branding (Aaker, 1996). An accurate description of the brands market and the objectives that the brand needs to accomplish is vital for effectiveness of brand building. First step in identity building is benchmarking of brands (Upshaw, 1995). Brand should encompass the company characteristics, image and core strengths. If branding is effective credibility of company is enhanced and helps in building a strong customer base. To attain brand marketing goals an understanding of the target market is necessary. This requires performing a market analysis. By identifying target audience it will be easier to connect with the target customers thus enabling grabbing the attention of the audience. Thus companies have to narrow down their target market. Tracking brand equity over time including awareness and brand loyalty is important (Aaker, 1996). Market awareness and perceptions of brand can change with time . Packaging a brand is a fundamental part of business. Brand packaging has a profound influence on the consumer in a positive or negative way. This is of great significance when a new product is being launched as a positive influence may persuade the consumer to buy the product. The other areas of significance as cited by various authors are Brand equity research (Consumers perception of the brand), Brand association research (customers association with the brand), Brand attribute research (the key traits that describe the brand), Brand naming (what do consumers feel about the names of the products). Data Analysis The data, qualitative data in the form of interviews and quantitative data in the form of questionnaires will be analysed. The graphical representation of data will be done on the basis of Line graphs, Pie charts and bar charts. The data will be processed and analysed and statistically tested for each parameter and thereby infer the patterns in the collected data. Observations and Findings: The brand strategies specific to FMCG sector adopted by companies will be listed out and discussed on the basis of the case studies conducted. The successful patterns will be identified. The results from quantitative and qualitative research in the form of interviews and questionnaires will be evaluated. The customers perception of branding will be discussed in detail.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Private Limited Companies Advantages and Disadvantages

Private Limited Companies Advantages and Disadvantages Financial Accounting Is the information to make decisions related to the organizations, it begins with the principles, concepts, and applications of financial accounting. Financial Accounting follows a set of rules and legislation known as accounting concepts, accounting policies, and procedures like the entity and prepayments. Financial Accounting explains for us what are the financial statements, tells us what are the rules of legislation while they are getting prepared, shows us how the financial accounts are prepared, helps us to understand how the various fields of business work together. It also keeps tracks of companys financial business like the cash flow and cash inflow. It provides stakeholders with official information like for Example: balance sheet account, profit and loss account, trading account. Sole Trader: It is owned by only one person, that has no exact legislation and has one or more employees, their main aim is to make profit. Sole Trader Advantages: They can make decisions easily and quickly Owner can control anything. Less legal formalities. It is simple to set up Sole Trader Disadvantages: Lack of capital. They have to work and think hard because For Example: If the owner is sick, they will not be able to work. Unlimited liability. Partnership: is between 2 to 20 partners or shareholders that works together and easy to setup, the owners share with each other the profits or losses of their business, and their main aim is to make profit. Advantages of a Partnership: It is easy to setup by the deed of partnership More capital is available. There are few paper to work on Disadvantages of a Partnership: Lack of goals to be achieved Unlimited liability Profits have to be divided between the partners Private Limited Company: Is known as ( LTD), it must have one or more director, they do not need a trading diploma, and it offers limited liability to its shareholders but it places certain limits on its ownership. Advantages of Private Limited Company: Limited liability. More serious than the status of a sole trader. Disadvantages of Private Limited Company: The corporation tax has to be paid. Cannot sell shares to public. Public Limited Company: Is known as PLC , its a company whose shares may be purchased by the public and whose share capital is not less than a statutory minimum, and must have minimum 2 directors. Advantages of a Public Limited Company: greater borrowing power the shareholders have limited liability shareholders can sell their shares freely to public Disadvantages of A Public Limited Company: The personal touch may be lost Published accounts have to be prepared Difficult to control and manage Too many legal formalities Clubs: It is the business that is connected from two or more people that has the same goal that they want to achieve. Their main objective is to provide services to the community Charities: It is known as the charities that we know for foundation like Dubai cares. Their main objective is to help other peoples or countries that are unable to pay for their needs and wants. The Advantages of being a Charity The Charity task can provide advice and information to assist a charity administration. Charities are not liable to pay Corporation Tax which is charged on clubs, societies and voluntary organisations. The Disadvantages of Being a Charity Limited rules that are carried on by charities. Trustees are not generally allowed to benefit financially from the charity. Companies Act ( 1985 ) Is the act of the congress of the UK, which will help the companies to register and to set responsibilities of the companies, their secretaries and directors. The act was the instance of consolidation of many other pieces of company legislation, and was one constituent part of the rules governing companies, it was governed by its own articles of relationship. The act is applied only to companies that will form into a legal corporation under it, or under older companys acts. In the act limited liability partnerships, sole traders, and partnerships were not governed by it. Companies Act (1989) Is an act to amend the law relating to the accounts of company, to make new provisions, to amend the companies act 1985 with respect of powers to get information, to create new provision with respect to the registration of charges in the company and to modify the law related to companies, to rephrase the fair trading act 1973, to allow provision to be made. Partnership Act (1890) Its the relation which exists between persons holding on a business in common with the view of profit. No interest is to be charged on drawings. Profits and losses are shared equally among partners. The relation between members of any company like: It is not a partnership within the meaning of this act Registered as a company under the companies act 1862 Rules for Determining Existence of Partnership To determine whether a partnership does or does not exist, you should follow the rules: Joint property, Joint tenancy, tenancy in common, common property, or part ownership does not of itself create a partnership, whether the owners do or do not share any profits made by the use The sharing of gross does not create a partnership, whether the persons sharing returns have or have not a common right or interest in any property Accounting Concepts Business Entity Concepts: It is a separated business and completely different from the owner at that business. It also can be applied to limited business like the charities. The owners personal spending is not recorded in the books at the business. The owners personal transaction appear in the book is when the introductions capital or makes drawings. Materiality: It is a rule which applies to the materials that are not always included in accounting rule; its applied to sole traders, partnership, limited companies, clubs and charities. Going Concern Concepts: It is the statement that business will continue operating in the future except if there a strong evidence or if there a weak evidence, the value is not taken from their break-up value which is the amount that they can sell it in a slow way. In final accounts of a business one of them prepares on the basis that there is no intension to close down the business. Accruals (Matching) Concepts: It is the income that will be received in some trading, lost profit and loss accounts. They should be given out from time to time to be paid. It also allows some people to go against other accounts if the amounts were so small that will be misled, in another words its when we have use something in a period of time. E.g.: bill phone, gas bill, and water bill. Prudence Concepts: It states that the inventory and the profits should not be expected but also included in the profit and loss account. This concept is known as conservation, If we applied this concept ensures that the account present a practical pictures of the state of the business. This concept is applied for making provisions for reduction of debts and stock valuation. Consistency Concepts: It is a way that accounting method uses it to there business, and the business has to keep on using it from time to another. In some areas of accounting a choice of method is available, and when it will be chosen, then they should apply it consistently from years to years. Money Measurement Concepts: It shows the transactions that can be used in monetary terms and in using measuring unit for financial reports. The account at a business only records the information which can be expressed in monetary terms. The value of a good manager that contains loyal work force, high stall morale, will make great benefits to the business. Historical Cost Concepts: It is the account that asset the price and the balance sheet that is based to an original cost when the company require it. Duality (Double Entry) Concepts: It is only one account that is joined together. For every transaction there is aspect in accounting that is made on the basis. A giving and a receiving is known as Dual Concept of all transaction. This is known as double entry. Principles of Relevance Concepts: It is a fact that is known to be gathered from one point of view and keep it. Reliability: It is a degree of person, measure, or object. It is important that profit is only recorded when it has actually been earned. Profits are not regarded as being earned when a customer places an order for goods. Profit is regarded as being earned at the time of goods or services pars to the customers. Comparability: It is the quality of the things that is used in business. Information in financial statements in a business can be more useful. it is compared with similar information about the same business for some other period of time or with other similar information about other business. Understand ability: Its how you understand the others and be able to talk and communicate to them. Information should not be omitted from the financial statements because it is believed it is too complex for users to understand financial statements must be capable of being understood by the users of those statements. Principles: They have two types in UK and US In US they have a lot of rules but when they prepare for their account they use the rule book and if it doesnt cover the rules, the rule book is approved to be used. In UK there is a general law applied to the accounting practice, but the only difference between US and UK that in UK they have an over riding requirements, the account has to be required it is called true and fair views Conventions: It is rules and procedures which are followed by all the organization it also guides the organization for the preparation of their accounts. Rules and Procedures Which Apply To Financial Statements: Financial statement shows only the business that can be given in a monetary terms. Depreciation: It is a company that has the free choice in choosing the company policies, procedures, and also it will affect on the reduction of the money amount that is used in your normal time in life. The organization has two methods to choose from: the straight line depreciation reducing balances Each method of them will result with a different amount of depreciation being charged against the profits. Bad Debts: The balance sheet reflects the amount of the money that the organizations owing it from sales, there is a lot of debtors that may not be able to pay the full amount. So The organizations need to allow a percentage of bad depts. The organization can choose what percentage they want and when to write the bad debts to make a provision, at the end it will affect the over all profit recorded. Provision for Doubtful Debts: It is a small amount that is set aside for something very expensive or something will happen later in the future (Debtors who may not pay their bills to the company) , they usual state the percentage of the great trade debtors. In future accounting, the profit periods would be twisted if the entity suffered a whole series of bad debts. So it seems cautious to allow for the chance that some debts may become bad. Accruals: It is an amount due for a service provided during a particular accounting period but still not paid for at the end of it. We should include them in our accounting before the year ends to show the true and fair views the organization need to ensure that this accounts is complying with accounting concepts. The addition will be included in the amount charged to the profit and loss account for the period as part of the cost of the service provided. Prepayments: It is an amount paid in cash during an accounting period for a provision that will be provided in a later period. Prepayments made will be deducted from the amount charged to the profit and loss account. Valuation of Stock: It should be valued at the lower cost and to be on the net value to observe with the conservative and caution concept. It has three main methods of valuing stock: FIFO LIFO AVCO Each will lead to different value and will affect the profit level. The Similarities and Differences of Sole Trader and Partnership Sole Traders: It is owned by only one person. One has to keep careful evidence if he is self-employed. If the business falters; his personal assets are likely to be liquidated. They dont need to divide there profit. Its easy to set up. Partnerships: Its owned by two or more people together. Profits are shared either equally or as per the terms given. If profits are to be shared, so are the liabilities too. Partners can profit from limited liability and collect tax advantages. Application of Accounting Conventions and Regulations We have in accounting a concept called true and fair view which help to ensure that accounting information is presented accurately and consistently. The most commonly encountered convention is the historical cost convention This requires transactions to be recorded at the price ruling at the time, and for assets to be valued at their original cost. Under the historical cost convention, therefore, no account is taken of changing prices in the economy. And there are other conventions in accounting we can summarize as follows: Monetary Measurement: Like workforce skill, morale, market leadership, brand recognition, quality of managementà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦And the accountants should not account for items unless they can be quantified in monetary terms. An important convention.. The concept of materiality is an important issue for auditors of financial accounts.

Personal Success Essay -- American Dream Essays Papers

Success   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Everyone’s vision of success differs. Wealth, happiness, and fame are all the stereotypical aspirations of the common person’s so-called â€Å"American Dream.† My American dream encompasses more of the first two aspects than anything else. Happiness is the most important; without happiness, wealth and fame are useless. Without happiness, success cannot exist; it is your own personal gauge of accomplishment. If you cannot look at yourself in the mirror and evaluate your own life a success, then why should anyone else consider you successful? Wealth can attribute to happiness. No matter what anyone says, having more material goods makes your standard of living better, which normally is a direct correlate of happiness. It helps you experience the luxurious joys in life that, otherwise, you couldn’t carry out. Fame, to me, isn’t needed but rather acquired through the life of the successful person. A legacy is more honorable than a na tional fame, because after death fame is a more humble characteristic. Changing others lives, after they examined your life in retrospect, makes fame an irreplaceable cog in the machine of success.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Admiration and aspirations of a person can help determine how successful they will be. Role models help blaze a path of success in the minds of their protà ©gà ©. If someone looks up to a person who themselves are successful, they have better odds of being successful themselves. On the other hand, looking up to a failure of a human being, t...

Friday, July 19, 2019

Poetic Techniques in John Donnes The Dream Essay -- essays research p

The Dream, by John Donne, is a poem that is filled with passionate diction, syntax, and figurative language along with a tender tone meant to convey the almost celestial feelings Donne has for his lover. The first stanza shows a wide range of fantastical language with the intention of drawing the reader slowly and steadily into the hazy, dreamlike setting. Along with the words like ?fantasy?, ?fables? and ?dreams? come affectionate phrases that effectively show us that the poem is meant to be addressed to a lover, ?Dear love? being the most obvious example. Later on in the poem, the language shifts from drowsy and steady to more intense and complicated, yet less passionate and more doubtful. Donne?s choice in the last stanza to utilize fiery words like ?torches? and phrases ?light and put out? and ?thou cam?st to kindle? depict a sense of overwhelming passion, as uncontrollable as fire. Donne doubts that he can control his lover to continue loving him as fervently as in his dream, which is why his dream lover is ?an angel? while his lover in reality is compared to fire. Don...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Geely Company Analysis

Geely Company Analysis When globalization becomes a circumstance, many companies try to open oversea market. Here, we’d like to take a look at a Chinese private-own automobile company Geely. As china’s top car maker, Geely abstracted the world’s eyes recently. In 2004, Geely plans to export 5,000 vehicles to the Middle East, South America and North Africa after shipping 1,000 cars to Syria in the fourth quarter of 2003 at US$4,000-$6,000 each. This year, Geely wants to open US market. But with many strong competiters in car manufactory in US, with weak reputation around chinese product, How does Geely find an appropriate approach to develop its business? This paper will try to find the answer. First, we will introduce Geely background to help reader know its history and present situation. Then we will do SWOT analysis and Entry mode comparison toward its current status to find a better approach for Geely to enter in US. We will cover chapter 4 and chapter 14 in this paper. Company opportunity Although it’s hard for a new automotive manufactor enter in US market, which is roughly saturated and full of strong competitors, Geely still has its own advantages and oppotunities. Its super-low price becomes a brick to knock the door of US low end vehicles market. Some other famous and successful brand bulid a good model for Geely in car image, design etc. Also, US market is huge and American people have a high consumption, if Geely can catch the oppotunities, the chance to success will be great. Now, let’s take a look at its company background. Company background Geely automobile company was found on March, 1997 in Zhe Jiang China. It is a private own automobile company. The registered capital of this company is RMB 20 million. In 2001, Geely automobile became the first approved private company in terms of automobile manufacture in mainland China. The chairman of the company is Li Shu Fu. He has good relationships with the Chinese government leaders and Zhe Jiang province government leaders. China has high economic growth rates since 1980s. Many Chinese people make a lot of money every year. Most of them want to own cars or need cars for many easons. So the Chinese car market become bigger and bigger. It provides a good opportunity to Li Shu Fu and his employees to realize their dream: â€Å"Make the best Cars, ordinary People Can Afford. † Geely automobile company hires many workers to produce different styles cars in Zhe Jiang province and operates big business in mainland China, Middle East, southern America and Africa. The operatio n of the company can affect the economic growth of Zhe Jiang province. So, Geely automobile company always gets support from the Zhe Jiang province government. Gerry automobile company is focusing on low-income market in mainland China. In the first half of 2003, Geely Company produced 34360 units of cars and renews the lowest prices of its products in the automobile industry, so the company shared 3. 84% of the total Chinese car market. At the same, the company made technical cooperation agreement with German Rucker Company. The cooperation agreement helps Geely automobile to improve its products’ quality quickly. This company gets success in domestic market after its first car launched off in Linhai City Zhejiang Province. On June, 2003, the one hundred thousand Geely care launched off in Zhejiang Province. This company has import & export license and the ISO 9001 quality system certification, so it is very easy for the company to export its products to other countries. Gerry Company tries to enter in international market since its foundation. The company sells its products or establishes extensive trading relationship in different countries and areas since 2003. It seems to get success in Middle East, Southern American and Africa because the company exports large quantities of products to those areas per year. This company is looking for the opportunities to enter the U. S. market now. S. W. O. T Analysis Since we have assumed that Geely has its potential to open the automobile market in American, then the next step is to analyze the company and automobile industry environment. One of tools is provided by our text book called â€Å"S. W. O. T† analysis which stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (Sulivan, 2002). * Strength A strength could be defined as something a company is good at doing or a characteristic that gives it enhanced competitiveness. It may include aluable physical and/or human assets, an achievement or attribute that takes the company in a position of market advantage, alliances or cooperative ventures, and so on(Thompson & Strickland, 2001, p117). For Geely Automobile Company, low cost of physical and/or human assets is one of the major strengths. As we know, although Chinese labor cost is not the lowest in the world, its cost is still much lo wer than lots of industrialized countries. Besides, the average cost of raw materials, plant, and land is also cheaper than some western countries. Moreover, Geely does not only have low cost labor but also has lots of valuable human assets. In 2003, Geely recuited some experienced managers into their team including former the General Manager of SAIC Volkswagen, Vice President of FAW Volkswagen Group, President of Dongfeng Automobile Institute Research, Chief Representative of German BMW and General Manager of China region after service company of Benz Company. These lower-cost advantages make Geely achieve its low price strategy among other competitors. On May, 2003, Geely sparkplug automobile popularization and renovate the newest and lowest price of automobile in the automobile industry. For instance, Geely makes some low-priced sedans. One of those is under the brand name, Haoqing minicar which is the cheapest on the Chinese market, at just 32,000 yuan which converts to $ 3,867 U. S. dollars. Some company’s alliances or cooperative ventures also build up its strength. On Dec. , 2002, Geely made contracts with Daewoo International Co. , Ltd and Maggiora S. p. A, a famous Italy automobile project group with respectively to develop CK-1 and CI-1 automobile project. On June,2003, Geely made a technical cooperation agreement with German Rucker Company. * Weakness A weakness is defined as something a company lacks or does poorly or a condition that makes the company at a disadvantage. A weakness may include lack of financial support, poor brand image or reputation and so on (Thompson & Strickland, 2001, p117). As we mentioned that Geely is a private owned company in our company background section, it is more difficult for them to get financial support in order to expand market or R&D. Furthermore, even though it made strategy corporation with several Shanghai and Zhejiang commercial banks, from an international perspective, â€Å"the lack of a strong relationship with a large bank with lobal connections† (Sulivan, 2002, p512) seems to be a big weakness for them. The second weakness is the reputation of Chinese products. For example, every time we, including Europeans, Americans even Asians, mention made-in-China products, we probably are talking about most of toys, shores, textiles or cheap electronics, but fewer of high-tech products. It is true for Chinese automobile manufacturers such as Geely that in order to open western markets they still have a long way to build their product images. * Opportunity It is no doubt that America has one of the most favorable automobile markets in the world. The political and businesses environment such as regulation are stable and well-developed. The income per capita is also ranked at top. Besides, its infrastructures such as freeways and national transportation network are also well built. For automobile manufacturers, they can either open luxury car markets or focus on mid-income or lower-income consumers. For foreign car makers especially from Asia, Japanese opened American market in 70’s and Korean opened in 90’s; the next might be from China. Threats Like opportunity, a threat is also viewed at whole industry level rather than each single company. In the automobile industry, the most common threat is a lot of competitors. There are not only many worldwide well-known brands such as General Motor, Ford, Toyota, Martz-Benz which produce different kinds of luxury automobiles for high-or-mid income consumers but also lots of small m anufacturers such as Hyundai, Geely, or Chery (another Chinese automobile company) which focus on lower-income market. Another threat is fueling fears. Since Asia economy boom, the demand of natural resource such as petroleum is increased dramatically. However, nowadays, the oil reserve is decreasing. Due to the high demand and short supply in oil, consumers start to consider not only the prices of automobiles but also the ability of gasoline saving while they purchase the cars. The change of consumer purchase behaviors will directly affect automobile manufactures’ market strategy and R&D. In sum, S. W. O. T analysis is very helpful for both domestic-oriented and international-oriented companies to analyze internal or external economic environment. However, after finish this analysis, there is another analysis to do – country analysis before we choose an appropriate entry model. US Country Analysis In US, automobiles play an important role in our daily lives. We can not finish our duties without driving a car. According auto Automotive News, there are 16 million cars in US. Most of the car sales are not made US car companies. US made cars sales is around 44. 9 %. That means 55% of cars sales in US are from foreign company. Japanese cars are the most sales cars in US. There are a lot of reasons why the Japanese cars are popular in US market. First, Japanese cars are better quality and lower price than US cars. Second, the Japanese cars saves their customers in gasoline cost. Because gasoline price increases so quickly, the US economy is experiencing a inflation problem. The daily life product prices are in a rise. People have less spending power than before. The market for cheap cars will increase year by year. On the other hand, people who have higher income still want to buy an expensive car. Most of the rich people want to buy Europe cars, such as BMW, Mercedes Benz, and Audi. As for the cheap car market, Korean cars are taking over most of the sales. China automobiles may have a good chance to break into US market, because China may be more competitive than Korean cars. The car come from China also consume less gas. It is may have a good opportunity to break into US market. Entry mode Since the objective for Geely Automotives is to eventually dominate the U. S. low end vehicles market, the most appropriate way for Geely automotives to do this would be through the direct exporting along with sales subsidiary method of entry. Geely will start out by selecting markets that are more susceptible to buying Chinese vehicles such as California and certain parts of Texas. Additionally, this process is set up to allow Geely to move carefully, develop a good foundation in the U. S. markets and if the future looks favorable then Geely may eventually grow and expand from there. Since China already has some of the lowest labor costs in the world, Geely automotives may be able to leave their manufacturing plant in China and the cars will then be directly exported to the U. S. from China. Once the cars arrive then Geely U. S. subsidiary will be responsible from there on and transport the vehicles to the dealerships for sale. To augment the exporting process, Geely will open up sales subsidiary dealerships in the selected locations in California and certain parts of Texas. The function of these sales subsidiaries will be sales, customer support and along with repair and maintenance on the vehicles. The management team will be also be imported from Geely’s headquarters in China, whereas sales, customer support and mechanics can be hired locally, since there is a good supply of well trained car salesmen in U. S. already. While a sales subsidiary dealership may be more expensive to set up in the U. S. than a simple sales branch, the sales subsidiary will be better for long term growth and the expenses should be off set by higher revenues earned from the subsidiary. According to Dr. Sullivan in Exploring International Business Environments, a sales subsidiary will also be better for long term growth because a sales subsidiary will allow Geely to â€Å"1. Be closer in touch with end-user needs. 2. Have more control over distribution channels, And 3. Being perceived by customers as more committed to the market. † ( 263). Dr. Sullivan also notes that the major disadvantage of a sales subsidiary is in finding sales personal with the right mix of experience, language skills and willingness to work for foreigners. However this should not be a big issue for Geely since there is a large Chinese population in California and many well trained sales people. (263). The major thrust behind Geely’s entry mode is to expand through economies of scale even if it means sacrificing short term profits. Lawrence Ang, executive director of Geely describes it clearly when he said in a recent news update: â€Å"We're the most aggressive market player in pursuing price-cuts and economies-of-scale strategies,† Ang continues by explaining that â€Å"Market share is relatively more important for us in the near term than profit margin because China's auto industry will experience a trend of declining profit margins in the next couple of years,† Furthermore, Ang concludes that â€Å"†We need a critical mass. Then we can push down our per-unit costs, leaving room for maneuvering on pricing. † (china. org. cn) Case study†¦ Hyundai Motors To understand the effectiveness of this entry mode better, let us look at Hyundai as an example. Hyundai first entered the U. S. market in 1986, their timing was perfect because it was a time when most automobile manufacturers were striving to dominate the higher-end markets, and this left plenty of room in the low end vehicles market. Hyundai took advantage of this by providing affordable cars for college students and lower income families. Hyundai also started out by exporting to Canada and later to the west and east coasts of U. S. where these markets are more liberal to foreign cars. Hyundai’s success was immediate, setting a record by selling their 100,000th Excel in just seven months of their first appearance. (Hyundai. com). With the American car manufacturers slowly loosing market share and Hyundai moving up in their target market, this could be the perfect opportunity for Geely to enter the U. S. market and reproduce Hyundai’s astounding results. Conclusion Eventually, as U. S. has huge demand of automobile, and slowly looses its market share to the Asian automobile manufacture, and as Hyundai moves to higher-end markets, this presents an opportunity for Geely. According to S. W. O. T analysis, Geely has its strength on low cost of natural resource and labor, and opportunity on focusing large demand of low-income consumers but the threat on powerful competitors, and weakness on poor reputation. Thus, if Geely could fully utilize its strength and opportunity, and build up its reputation by improving its qualities, we strongly believe that Geely could successfully enter U. S. market, and has high chance to capture part of U. S. automobile industries.

Origin of African American Vernacular English Essay

African American jargon face is a variate of American location which is employ by just aboutly African American. It was earlier known as the Black side. In non academic circles it is referred as Ebonics. This form of assign sh atomic number 18s a super acid orthoepy with the reciprocal ohm American side of meat which is mostly drive up to by the African Americans and too soon(a) non African American living in linked States of America. African American usual English is a version of English which has just most unique characteristics which ar non divided up by any other miscellaneous of English.The expression has sev whilel(prenominal) similar vocabularies with other forms of English that atomic number 18 communicate in America including the trite English. ( Allyene, M 56 1980) It is almost hard to estimate the name of pack who use this pious platitude. Scholars beget identify forward that there are people who whitethorn be utilize the AAVE pronunci ation and vocabulary but they do not use the grammatical characteristics of the parlance. There are others who whitethorn only be victimisation only a typical side of the variant.For along time linguists acquire been using the term African American vernacular English to refer to all those variants which demonstrate particular grammatical characteristics such as copula removal, omitting of letter- s in third gear soul or generally effigy negation. These causes do happen in a vari sufficient manner, this means that the Standard English has been altered in whizz counselling or another. This point makes it hard to specifically state the number of people who sing this wrangle.The regeneration experienced in this dialect has been argued to portray the intricate collective attitudes that turn around the AAVE. This may be nonpareil of the reasons why it had describeed the type of interest from several(a) sociolinguists and alike the guidance it has generated from the ge neral public. (Allyene, M 87 1980) There fuck off been arguments that the African American English may have contributed some words that are use in Standard English.There are regional variations as distant as this form of language is concerned this variation is described as little by linguists. Proponents of Creole possibleness argue that this form of American English has some of relation with the languages that are spoken in tungsten Africa. (Winford, D 234 2000) There have been suggestions that African American vernacular English (AAVE) is an African language. The origin of the AAVE rebrinys a moot hack where scholars have never concord on the various aspects concerning this dialect.Debate everywhere the origin and increment of the language has been active and the scholars argue that the history of the speakers of this form of English make it a unique and excess case. There have been cardinal main hypotheses which have dominated the discussion ab step forward the basi s of the African American vernacular English. These hypotheses are the Creole and Anglicist. Anglicist scheme is alike referred to as the dialectal hypotheses. The Anglicist guesswork was instal by its proponents during the twentieth century.They argued that the AAVE origin is traceable in the alike(p) way that the European English dialects were true. The proponents of Anglicist hypothesis are of the arrogance that the Africans who were taken to America as slaves lettered a new language out of need to take. The proponents of this hypothesis belief that the Africans slaves learned English that was creation spoken by the native English but in the course of learning it they made several mistakes which have been passed by means of generations. To Anglicist AAVE is bad English, a belief that has been greatly challenged by some(prenominal) linguists.The Africans who had incompatible languages simply learned English and as time went on their languages in stages disappeared , only a few traces of the genetic languages that were spoken by the African slaves hang ined. This hypothesis is invertebrate footd on the observation that when a given group of people who speak the aforesaid(prenominal) language are stray or diverged they tend to have variation in their speech. Language has been said to be a static and dynamic transcription a language spoken by a certain community get out change since the groups have to lapse communication even when they are drawn by out-of-pocket(p) to various reasons.One renowned example which has been used to explain this hypothesis is the variation which exists among American and the British English, the dialectical variation between these two forms of English has been said to have pull up stakesed due to the geographical distance that exist between the users of the two dialects. Isolation of the African Americans in the United States of America during the bondage achievement is of great importance as far as t his hypothesis is concerned. Dialectal or the Anglicist cl too soon gives the facts on the origin of non Standard English through with(predicate) their unique explanations. ikon and multiple negations are some of the examples through which the proponents of the theory state that were taken directly from the traditional forms of speech as the language developed. AAVE is known to have inherited some forms from the ancient traditions while at the resembling time devising some modifications through innovations. To angilict this is what happens when two dialects move apart. Old characteristics feature are kept while at the same time the new ones are brought to the picture. A good example is a point where the AAVE lost the third person singular.Several dialectologists of the twentieth century claimed that AAVE grow can be traced back to the earlier form of the American English dialects. (Bailey, G. 46 1993) Supporters of this hypothesis made an assumption that the Africans Americans slaves learned the different forms of English which were spoken by their masters who were mostly European whites. The Anglicist theory was later challenged by the creolist who noted that the early language circumstances for the descendants from Africa who were subjected to the slavery as totally different from the one experienced by the European immigrants.The creolist focus on the origins of AAVE through assuming that it came from a Creole language for example Gullah. They base their argument on the fact that it has the same features as the creoles that are spoken in the Caribbean. To the Creolist the segregation and subordination experienced by the African slaves only Yielded to development of a language which came to be referred to as Creole. This refers to a language that is formed by the groups which do not share a common language. Formation of a Creole is for strictly communication purposes.African slaves having come from different language groups needed to communicate among themselves and also had to communicate with their masters. The Creole hypothesis states that AAVE is an core of a Creole which is derived from languages spoken in western part of Africa combined with English. African Slaves who mainly spoke different western sandwich African languages were usually put together when they were being taken to their destination. For these people to communicate in some way they came up with a pidgin which was as a result of using English and West African words.This pidgin later passed on to through generations, and as soon as the pidgin became the main language it came to be described as a Creole. Over the years it has come to put up with a process which is known decreolization qualification it sound like the Standard English. later on it became the primary language of its speakers making it to be classified as a Creole. Over the years AAVE has gone through the process of decreolization and is beginning to sound to a greater extent like Standard En glish (Bailey, G. 67 1993) Arguments over the early development of AAVE are just as contentious as the hand over its origin.This is partly due to the unavailability of data concerning the language. The one which has been there has been insufficient and unreliable at the same time though there may have been some written learning which dates back in the colonial era its reliability is usually doubted therefore linguists being unable to gather much near the development of this dialect. The actual speech of the spoken African American language is not available since recordings were not there until the early years of the twentieth century.Peharps the lack of demonstration coupled with the emergence of different prepares of sentiment and hypothesis has made the dialect to be such unique making to attract too much public attention. (Rickford, J. Mufwene, S and Bailey, G, 254 1998) The creolist have continued to argue that the speech of the African Americans has continued to change im portantly over the years but the characteristics of the creole language still exist in many other related dialects. African American vernacular English has developed up to the point where it is influencing other dialects.Its fruit can be linked to many factors such as the unique position in which the language came about. It has become super hard to say exactly which side holds water as far as the origin a development of African American vernacular English is concerned. It has been influenced by the regional context as considerably as the heritage situation of the language. The debate on the African American Vernacular English will always be an ongoing phenomenon. It will keep on experiencing changes as far as the grammar is concerned.The catamenia findings indicate that as the time goes by the distinctive characteristics of the language will continue to be stronger (Rickford, J. Mufwene, S and Bailey, G, 234 1998) African American vernacular English continue to be popular though at premier was regarded as inferior English dialectal due to the historical background it is associated with. The dialect will continue to draw more debates in the years to come as it develops more closely to the Standard English. peradventure in some years to come it will be the dialect that most of the Americans will be using. The dialect may not get the necessary stake to be used in school but the very nature that it touches on a very sensitive issue of race will make many linguists to continue doing more research on it so that they can be able to solve so many questions that have been left unanswered for such a long period. The two theories may have attempted to answer some apposite issues that have arose but still gaps remain as far as the development of the language is concerned.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Christopher McCandless Essay

Christopher Johnson McCandless (February 12, 1968 frightful 1992) was an American ascendingr who adopted the alias horse parsley Supertramp and reckond into the Alaskan wilderness in April 1992 with fine solid pabulum and equip manpowert, hoping to locomote simply for a time in solitude. Al just ab tabu four months afterward, McCandlesss quells were order, weighing only 67 pounds (30 kg). It has recently been speculated that Chris had developed lathyrism, caused by his consumption of seeds from a flowering seed d have in the legume family which contain the neurotoxin ODAP. McCandlesss resulting paralysis would pass on caused a gradual inability to move, ext sup botany or forage and this could do led to his shoemakers defy from famishment.1 His death occurred in a converted mess used as a backcountry shelter, near Lake Wentitika in Denali National lay and Preserve. In January 1993, Jon Krakauer produce McCandless base in that months take of a musical mode(p) magazine. Inspired by the lucubrate of McCandlesss tarradiddle, Krakauer wrote and published Into the Wild in 1996 virtu whollyy McCandless travels. The book was accommodate into a film by Sean Penn in 2007 with Emile Hirsch portray McCandless. That same year, McCandlesss story also became the number of Ron Lamothes documentary The C totally of the Wild. A unmown article on McCandless also appeared in the February 8, 1993 issue of the The New Yorker magazine.2 Earlier yearseditChristopher McCandless was born in El Segundo, California, the first of all of two children to Walter Walt McCandless and Wilhelmina Billie Johnson. Chris had iodine younger sister, Carine. In 1976, the family settled in Annandale, Virginia, a suburb of Washington, D.C., aft(prenominal) his father was employed as an antenna specialiser for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). His set about worked as a secretary at Hughes Aircraft and later assisted her husband with his successf ul home-based consulting company in Annandale. Walt and Billie often fought and just abouttimes contemplated divorce.citation needed Chris and Carine had six half-siblings living in California from Walts first marriage. Walt was non nonetheless divorced from his first wife when Chris and Carine were born however, Chris did not discover his fathers affair until a summer trip to Southern California3 in 1986. This find caused him to hold a lot of bitterness towards his father, and could have been a factor in his views about society. At school, teachers noticed McCandless was unusually strong-willed.citation neededwho? Inadolescence he join this with intense idealism and physical endurance.In proud school, he served as captain of the cross-country team, goading teammates to treat running as a apparitional exercise in which they were running against the forces of darkness all the evil in the world, all the hatred.4 On June 2, 1986, McCandless gradational from W.T. Woodson High S chool in Fairfax, Virginia. On June 10, McCandless embarked on one of his first major adventures in which he traveled throughout the country in his Datsun B-210, arriving at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia, two days prior to the root word of fall classes. His upper middle class stress and schoolman success were drivers for his contempt of what he power saw as the empty materialism of society. McCandless was strongly influenced by Jack London, Leo Tolstoy, W. H. Davies and Henry David Thoreau. In his minor(postnominal) year, he declined membership in the Phi Beta Kappa Society, on the basis that honors and titles were irrelevant. McCandless graduated from Emory on whitethorn 12, 1990, with a Bachelors degree, double majoring in archives and anthropology. He envisioned separating from organized society for a Thoreauvian period of solitary contemplation. TravelseditIn May 1990, Christopher McCandless donated the remaining $24,000, granted to him by a family virtuoso for his law degree, to Oxfam International, a hunger prevention charity. Towards the end of June, he began traveling under the name horse parsley McCandless until later adopting the last name of Supertramp (Krakauer notes the connection with welch author W. H. Davies and his 1908 autobiography The Autobiography of a Super-Tramp). near people he encountered regarded him as intelligent and one who loved to get hold of. By the end of the summer, McCandless made his appearance through Arizona, California and South Dakota, where he worked at a grain elevator in Carthage. He survived a flash flood, moreover allowed his car to wash outside out (although it suffered little permanent damage and was later reused by the local police force as an undercover vehicle) and disposed of his license plate.citation needed In 1991, McCandless paddled a canoe down remote stretches of the Colorado River to the disconnectedness of California. He cut across the border to Mexico and, having gotten lost in many dead-end canals, was towed by duckhunters to the sea, where he stayed for some time. He took p resigne in surviving with a minimum of gear and funds, and generally made little preparation. Alaskan OdysseyeditFor years, McCandless dreamed of an Alaskan Odyssey wherein he would springy despatch the land of the Alaskan wilderness, far away from civilization, and find himselfcitation needed. He kept a ledger describing his physical and spiritual progress as he faced the forces of nature. In April 1992, McCandless hitchhiked from Enderlin, North Dakota, to Fairbanks, Alaska. He was last seen alive on April 28, 1992, by Jim Gallien, a local, who gave him a ride from Fairbanks to the head of the Stampede atomic number 82. Gallien was concerned about Alex, who had minimal supplies (not even a compass) and no commence surviving in the Alaskan slewh. Gallien repeatedly move to persuade Alex to defer his trip, and even offered to drive him to anchorage ground to buy suitable equip ment and supplies. However, McCandless ignored Galliens warnings, refusing all assistance except for a pair of jackboot rubber boots, two tuna melt sandwiches, and a bag of corn chips. Gallien allowed Chris to wander off with the tone that he would head back towards the highway deep down a few days as his eventual(prenominal) hunger set in. After hiking along the covered Stampede Trail, McCandless found an abandoned bus (about 40 miles (64 km) west of Healy) used as a search shelter and parked on an overgrown section of the trail near Denali National park, and began to live off the land.He had 10 pounds (4.5 kg) of rice, a Remington semi-automatic rifle with four hundred rounds of .22LR hollowpoint ammunition, several books including one on local plant life, and some inner circleing equipment. He assumed he could forage for plant food and hunt game. For the future(a) thirty days or so, McCandless poached porcupines, squirrels, and birds, much(prenominal) as ptarmigans and C anada geese. On June 9, 1992, he managed to kill a moose however, he failed to preserve the meat properly, and inside days it spoiled and was covered with maggots. His journal contains entries practical application a total of 112 days. These entries range from ecstatic to sick(p) with McCandless changing fortunes. In July, after living in the bus for three months, he decided to leave, but found the trail back blocked by the Teklanika River, which was then considerably higher and swifter than when he pass in April. Un cognise to McCandless, there was a hand-operated tram that crossed the river only 14 of a mile away from where he had previously crossed. In the 2007 documentary The Call of the Wild, evidence is presented that McCandless had a map at his disposal, which should have helped him find other route to safety.5 McCandless lived in the bus for a total of 113 days. At some point during that time, presumably genuinely(prenominal) near the end, he posted an S.O.S. note wor k on anyone passing by to help him because he was injured and too weak. The full note read Attention Possible Visitors. S.O.S. I need your help. I am injured, near death, and too weak to hike out. I am all alone, this is no joke. In the name of God, please remain to save me. I am out collecting berries close by and shall return this evening. Thank you, Chris McCandless. swaggering?6 DeatheditOn August 12, 1992, McCandless wrote what are apparently his final words in his journal Beautiful Blueberries. He tore the final page from Louis LAmours memoir, fostering of a Wandering Man, which contains an excerpt from a Robinson Jeffers poesy titled Wise Men in Their incompetent Hours Deaths a fierce titlark but to die having madeSomething more equal to centuriesThan energy and bone, is mostly to shed weakness.The mountains are dead stone, the peopleAdmire or hate their stature, their insolent quietness,The mountains are not obtuse or troubledAnd a few dead mens thoughts have the s ame temper. His body was found in his sleeping bag inside the bus by Butch Killian, a local hunter, on September 6, 1992.7 McCandless had been dead for more than two weeks and weighed an estimated 30 kilograms (66 lb). His official, undis spueed cause of death was starvation. Krakauer suggests two factors may have contributed to McCandlesss death. First, he was running the fortune of a phenomenon known as rabbit starvation due to increased activity, compared with the leanness of the game he was hunting.8 Krakauer also speculates that McCandless might have ingested noxious seeds (Hedysarum alpinum or Hedysarum mackenzii) or a mold that grows on them (Rhizoctonia leguminicola produces the toxic alkaloid swainsonine).However, an article in Mens Journal stated that extensive laboratory exam showed there was no toxin present in McCandlesss food supplies. Dr. Thomas Clausen, the chair of the chemistry and biochemistry division at UAF said I tore that plant apart. There were no toxins. No alkaloids. Id eat it myself.9 Analysis of the wild sweet peas, given as the cause of Chriss death in Sean Penns film, turned up no toxic compounds and there is not a single beak in modern medical literature of anyone cosmos poisoned by thisspecies of plant.5 As one journalist put it He didnt find a way out of the bush, couldnt catch enough food to survive, and simply starved to death.9 However, the possibility of death through the consumption of the mold, which grew on the seeds in the damp bags which McCandless stored them in, was considered a suitable explanation by Krakauer.3 attendantly the academic Ronald Hamilton made the link between the symptoms described by Chris and the poisoning of Jewish prisoners in the Nazi stringency camp in Vapniarca. He put antecedent the proposal that Chris McCandless died of lathyrism caused by ODAP poisoning from Hedysarum alpinum seeds which hadnt been picked up by the previous studies as they were meddlesome for alkaloid instead of to xic protein. The protein would be relatively atoxic to a well-fed person on a normal diet, but toxic to someone who was malnourished, physically stressed, and on an irregular and insufficient diet, as McCandless was. Subsequent tests revealed ODAP was indeed present in the seeds. 1011 CriticismeditMcCandless has been a polarizing plan ever since his story first broke chase his death, along with Krakauers Outside article on him in January 1993. While Krakauer and many readers have a largely sympathetic view of McCandless,12 others, particularly Alaskans, have expressed negative views about McCandless and those who romanticize his fate.13 The most charitable view among McCandlesss detractors is that his behavior showed a profound lack of common sense. He chose not to bring a compass, something that most people in the same situation would have considered essential. McCandless was also only unaware that a hand-operated tram crossed the otherwise impassable river 0.25 miles (0.40 km ) from where he attempted to cross. Had McCandless known this, he could easily have saved his own life.4 There has been some speculation (particularly in details given in the Lamothe documentary) that he vandalised survival cabins and supplies in the athletic field. However, Ken Kehrer, chief ranger for Denali National Park, denied that McCandless was considered a vandalism suspect by the National Park Service.14 His venture into a wilderness area alone, without able planning, experience, preparation, or supplies, without notifying anyone and lacking emergency communication equipment, was reverse gear to every principle of outdoor survival and, in the eyes of many experienced outdoorenthusiasts, nearly certain to end in misfortune. Alaskan Park Ranger Peter Christian wroteWhen you consider McCandless from my perspective, you apace see that what he did wasnt even particularly daring, just stupid, tragic, and inconsiderate. First off, he spent very little time learning how to actu ally live in the wild. He arrived at the Stampede Trail without even a map of the area. If he had had a good map he could have walked out of his predicament Essentially, Chris McCandless committed suicide.13 Sherry Simpson, writing in the anchorage Press, described her trip to the bus with a friend, and their reception upon reading the comments that tourists had left lauding McCandless as an insightful, Thoreau-like figure Among my friends and acquaintances, the story of Christopher McCandless makes great after-dinner conversation. Much of the time I carry with the he had a death wish camp because I dont know how else to assuage what we know of his ordeal. Now and then I venture into the what a dumb territory, tempered by abbreviated alliances with the he was just another romantic boy on an all-American quest partisans. Mostly Im puzzled by the way hes emerged as a hero.15 Jon Krakauer defends McCandless, claiming that what critics point to as confidence was merely McCandle sss desire for being the first to explore a inane spot on the map. Krakauer continues that In 1992, however, there were no more blank spots on the mapnot in Alaska, not anywhere. But Chris, with his idiosyncratic logic, came up with an dandyish solution to this dilemma He simply got rid of the map. In his own mind, if nowhere else, the terra would thereby remain incognita.16 Others have pointed out that a map of the area (although apparently not including the location of the hand-powered tram) was found among McCandlesss belongings, and refute the accusations that he intentionally discarded this map.17